the daily stirrer

New Study Shows Toxins In GMOs Are Poisonous To Mammals

by Dr. Dickie Hart
More evidence that Gemetically Modified organisms are totally unsuitable to be part of the human or animal food chain. When will the message sink in that our politicians and "experts" who advise them just steal our tax monery on behalf of fascist corporations like Monsanto.
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New Study Shows Toxins In GMOs Are Poisonous To Mammals

by Dr. Dickie Hart

According to a new study, the ‘Cry’ toxins that Monsanto’s GMO crops have been genetically modified to produce are a lot more toxic to mammals than previously thought, primarily to the blood. A team from the Department of Genetics and Morphology at the Institute of Biological Sciences, University of Brasilia recently carried out a study involving testing Bacillus thuringensis toxin (Bt toxin) on swiss albino mice. This toxin is the same one built into Monsanto’s GMO Bt crops such as corn and soy as a pesticide. The recently published results are shocking to anyone who cares about their health. Bt toxin has been used quite safely in conventional and organic farming as an occasional spray used when dealing with a pest problem, now its production has been engineered into the biology of food crop plants. Thus it is present in every cell and the intercellular spaces of the plants themselves. It was a suspicion, based on experience, that prompted the team, led by Dr. Mezzomo to undertake the study. It should also be noted that as bacteria use lateral transference of genetic material, making it a possibility for this genetic material to become part of the human body’s bacterial bouquet that we depend on for our health (our bodies contain more bacteria cells than human ones by number). The report states:
…advances in genetic engineering promise the expression of multiple Cry toxins in Bt-plants, known as gene pyramiding. Therefore, studies on non-target species are requirements of international protocols to verify the adverse effects of these toxins, ensuring human and environmental biosafety. Due to its growing use in agricultural activities, Bt presence has already been detected in different environmental compartments such as soil and water. Consequently, the bioavailability of Cry proteins has increased, and for biosafety reasons their adverse effects might be studied, mainly for non-target organisms. Studies are therefore needed to evaluate Bt toxicity to non-target organisms; the persistence of Bt toxin and its stability in aquatic environments; and the risks to humans and animals exposed to potentially toxic levels of Bt through their diet. Thus, we aimed to evaluate, in Swiss albino mice, the hematotoxicity and genotoxicity of four Bt spore-crystals…
The tests demonstrated that Cry proteins were cytotoxic to bone marrow cells, accounting for a portion of the measured effects. It should also be noted that a previous study found that these proteins caused hemolysis (they killed blood cells) in vitro, particularly seeming to target the cell membranes of red blood cells. This confirms previous studies not widely reported in mainstream media, that demonstrated Geneticall Modified organisms used as food are capable of causing cancer in humans. Read the study's report with technical explanations and full citations RELATED POSTS:

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